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 Down the rabbit hole

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PostSubject: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2007 7:42 pm

And then she was falling through a bizarre sideways hallway.
Furniture was suspended in mid air all around her. Including a chair which promptly turned upsidedown when she tried to grab ahold of it.
And finally, just when she thought she would be falling forever, she landed ungracefully on a polished floor.
And I thought I was lost before, her mind supplied unhelpfully, Well, what else can I do? I better find that moogle. I'm sure he'll know where this is.
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2007 11:31 pm


Rai landed on a small blonde girl, quite unceremoniously.

"What am I, a body-slam magnet?" he groaned ruefully. He checked to make sure that he didn't land his sword through the girl, and then said, "Hi there. I'm Rai Rever Tyms, friends call me Rai. And no, that's not how I normally meet people."
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2007 4:58 am

Namine stood and brushed herself off.
I must look awful. I'm still covered in mud... and the cut still hasn't stopped bleeding... I hope it isn't too deep., Namine shook her head to clear it of thoughts.
"Hello, I'm Namine. I don't usually meet people like this either.", she let out a small, nervous laugh, and tried to focus on the problem at hand.
"So, do you... know where this is?"
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2007 9:17 pm

"Somewhere in the mind of an extremely high small child, I imagine. Perhaps we should ask that moogle behind you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2007 11:05 pm

Behind me?
Namine spun around and, sure enough, there stood the moogle she'd been chasing.
"Y-you!", she yelped
The moogle tilted it's head to the side and giggled eerily.
"Where are we?", she asked, taking a small step forward
The moogle giggled again, and took off down the hall. It dissappeared through a door on the far end, and Namine stomped her foot in frusteration.
I'm starting to hate moogles
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2007 2:03 am

"Shall we chase it, then?"

Rai grinned a big, adventurous grin, and sprinted down after it, regardless of whether Namine decided to come or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2007 4:32 pm

"Wha- Wait!", Namine's mouth hung open for a moment as hse made her decison.
She started to run after Rai, and the moogle, as fast as her legs could carry her.
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2007 9:56 pm

Rai looked around and saw Namine running after him. He slowed down a little but didn't stop running. The moogle went through a passage, and Rai followed him into a room of enormous proportions. He looked up and saw two gigantic unlit lamps on the ceiling far, far above. As he looked down, he was face to face with a group of heartless.

Rai screamed at the top of his lungs in a suprisingly nice falsetto, and his hand automatically reached for his sword. He drew it in a slashing motion, taking out two or three of the lesser heartless immediately. He then turned around, climbed on top of humongous chair, sheathed his sword, drew his bow, and stopped screaming.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2007 11:47 pm

Namine skidded to a halt inside the gigantic room.
The heartless were absolutely everywhere!
Rai let out a surprisingly high pitched scream, and Namine was jarred into action.
She quickly whipped out her notebook and began to sketch as fast as she could.
Even heartless have bad memories.
And with a final flick of her pen, a large black monster began to appear.
Namine climbed up to Rai, grabbed his arm, and tried desperately to pull him off of the chair, and out of the room.
"Move NOW."
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 12:16 am

Furiously firing arrows that formed as Rai touched his bowstring, he stopped only when the startlingly assertive girl yanked on his arm and pulled him off of the chair.

"What the heck is that?!" he asked frantically, waving his bow at the disturbing shape forming out of the true shadows as he and Namine ran out the nearest exit.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 8:26 am

Namine sighed and leaned against the nearest wall.
They had escaped in time, and hopefully, Remy would continue it's job near the heartless.
He doesn't show any signs of a mental breakdown. We're far enough.
"That was... um... n-nevermind. Are you okay?"
As the shrieks of the heartless drifted into the room, Namine winced.
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 4:41 pm

"I think I'll be fine, as long as I don't see that thing again in my dreams."

Rai put his bow back around his torso and slid down the wall into an un-graceful sit. "I guess it would be a good time to ask some local where we are. Maybe he knows?" He indicated a large 8 of clubs waddling towards them with as much menace as a giant playing card can muster.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 5:10 pm

Namine eyed the 8 of clubs warily.
This place is bizarre...
"You two come with me!", the card growled
"Did we do something wrong?", Namine asked nervously
The card shrugged, "The queen wants to speak with you. Immediately."
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 5:28 pm

The Queen was a vicious looking thing, with her hair sproinging all over the place and her royal scepter all too ready to smack someone upside the ace. Rai definitely did NOT like the looks of this.

"Hmm. Let's see here. Step closer, my dears," said the Queen.

Rai took a step, as did Namine.


Rai automatically hit the deck.

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2007 11:55 pm

Namine flinched, but stepped closer.
"Um, I'm so sorry, your, erm, majesty.", Namine giggled nervously
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see some playing cards picking Rai up off the ground.
"Surely a ruler as reasonable as yourself would not behead a subject for bowing. Your majesty.", Namien immediately bowed
The Queen, who seconds ago had seeemed ready to breathe fire, was obviously flattered by the praise.
"Please for give my, um, brother, your majesty."
The Queen guestered for the cards to release Rai, which they did promptly.
"Verry well!", the queen grumbled, "I will let him live. But for his insolence, you will both tend the royal gardens! IMMEDIATELY!"
Namien stood quickly and went off in the direction the queen was pointing.
Behind her, she could hear the queen ordering Rai to follow.
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Rai Rever
Rai Rever

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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2007 5:46 pm

Running out the door, Rai saw a hole in the ground.

"Look! A hole in the ground!"

He jumped in.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2007 7:34 pm

Namine glanced at the hole Rai had just jumped through.
It was an odd sight, a hole in the middle of the ground, but odder still, it was not the only one.
It seemed like there were millions of holes in the ground.
Namine shrugged her shoulders, jumped down a hole, and hoped for the best.
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 5:42 pm

sasuke felt his body falling forever suddenly he found himself in a room with a hole but something wasnt right. someone else was here to along with a ton of heartless "what in the world is this place? all i remember is getting shoved through that portal in traverse town" sasuke was asking this question but he didnt think he would get a answer whoever was here felt long gone and he was on his own. "scary thought i hope everyone in traverse town will be ok" sasuke said then he sat down to think
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PostSubject: Re: Down the rabbit hole   Down the rabbit hole Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 6:57 pm

sasxe looks up and sees a moogle pop out of the hole in front of him what does this thing want? sasuke jumps into the whole after it hoping to get somwhere safe.
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