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Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

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 missing familys

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Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-01-06
Age : 34
Location : traverse town rpg

Character Health/Magic
missing familys Left_bar_bleue40/50missing familys Empty_bar_bleue  (40/50)
missing familys Left_bar_bleue30/40missing familys Empty_bar_bleue  (30/40)

missing familys Empty
PostSubject: missing familys   missing familys Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 5:29 pm

sasuke had been tired from what he had seen so far, all of it didnt make any sence to him at all drawing his keyblade and looking at it he wondered why all these people had shown up. at last he spoke if only to himself "people are disapeering to not just showing up, so what does all this have to do with me?" sasuke shruged then put the keyblade next to him but still held it he didnt trust this bad feeling and wanted a better weapon then his ninja stars to fight with, then he drifted off to a soft sleep on a balcony he would be able to hear anything coming that way.
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-01-06
Age : 34
Location : traverse town rpg

Character Health/Magic
missing familys Left_bar_bleue40/50missing familys Empty_bar_bleue  (40/50)
missing familys Left_bar_bleue30/40missing familys Empty_bar_bleue  (30/40)

missing familys Empty
PostSubject: Re: missing familys   missing familys Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 5:38 pm

suddenly sasuke was awoken by a noise not sure what it was he turned and saw 2 heartless trying to creep up on him. he grabed his keyblade and swung cutting through them both. then he climed steedly to his feet "if this is what traverse town is like now i'd hate to see what would happen in the future." as sasuke finished talking a man showed up and opend a portal behind him sasuke was caught by surprise and got pushed through, but he didnt know where he would end up or what was waiting on the other side.
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