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 a new challange the nobodys appear!

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Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-01-06
Age : 34
Location : traverse town rpg

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a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue40/50a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (40/50)
a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue30/40a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (30/40)

a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty
PostSubject: a new challange the nobodys appear!   a new challange the nobodys appear! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 11:11 pm

"where am i?" sasuke woke up in a place he hadnt seen yet before. looking around he saw a tiny dragon "mushu?" sasuke mumbled before passing back out.
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-01-06
Age : 34
Location : traverse town rpg

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a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue40/50a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (40/50)
a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue30/40a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (30/40)

a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty
PostSubject: Re: a new challange the nobodys appear!   a new challange the nobodys appear! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 11:19 pm

when sasuke woke up again he was in a small hut. "what happend to me?"
he was answered with a statement "hold still you were injured but i havnt seen wounds like this before." he turned his head well they werent human. where am i?" he asked. "the land of dragons i am mulan but in this army i am ping. can i ask you to keep my secret." the voice asked, she seemed nice enough. "yeah you can count on me" then sasuke feel back asleep but in a min something attacked it looked white not like a heartless at all. sasuke attempted to cut right through with the keyblade but this was solid. but like a heartless it vanished with the touch of the keyblade. "what was that thing?" weak from the sudden movement sasuke colapsed once more.
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-01-06
Age : 34
Location : traverse town rpg

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a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue40/50a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (40/50)
a new challange the nobodys appear! Left_bar_bleue30/40a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty_bar_bleue  (30/40)

a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty
PostSubject: Re: a new challange the nobodys appear!   a new challange the nobodys appear! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 11:58 pm

sasuke woke once more then got up and grabed his key blade he was getting out of this village. he had studied the portal and hoped he could open one but he found somthing outside instead a gummi ship! it looked like it was unownd so sasuke took it in his mind he was thinking i know were to go i have to get to halloween town roxas and namine would be there i cant wait to see them agian.
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a new challange the nobodys appear! Empty
PostSubject: Re: a new challange the nobodys appear!   a new challange the nobodys appear! Icon_minitime

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